Currently working on a new piece for 5 tape loops to be performed in December in 'Kamiros', an arts space in Kypseli. The site-specific composition involves capturing loops live from sounds generated by the space itself, whether occurring naturally or through human interference. The loops then overlap freely as they cycle ad infinitum... or until the tapes are stopped.
First rehearsal pics for The Republic of Baklava. Having such a good time in these rehearsals!
The lovely people at WHATDOESNOT featured me in their 24hr Instagram story takeover. Check them out - it's a vibrant cultural community full of interesting and varied creative minds.
Staying by the sea with a mini setup to complete my current composition work for the 'Kivotos Channel' project. Diomidis always keeping me company.
Gradually building up my modular setup. Looking forward to using a real spring reverb with the spring tank! There's still a nice gap in the rack here waiting to be filled...
The Onassis Stegi 'FUTURE N.O.W.' festival starts this April 10th with our performance 'We Are in the Army Now'. The video of the performance will be streaming for a month on the Onassis Channel on YouTube.
I've been working on the Support Art Workers podcast on the theme of A Year in Lockdown. The idea of a 1-hour podcast became a three hour series of 10 episodes because so much has happened this last year! Very pleased to contribute some original music to this, and help with some recording and production too. (The intro is not mine, it's by my good friend Vaios!)
Back at Stegi, starting a new project, 'Ark', led by Elias Adam and Eva Giannakopoulou. A lovely team and exciting ideas to discuss.
Currently playing around with splicing compact cassette and micro cassette tape loops, recording fragments onto them and processing the loops through the Make Noise 0 Coast. Endless fun.
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